Senior Creative
Screenshot 2021-06-08 at 12.42.36.png

Hyundai Elantra: How dare you

Role: Creative lead

Wanting to break free from automotive’s most competitive segment vying for the world’s broadest demographic, Hyundai turned their sights squarely toward Gen Z. Our challenge was to attract an entire generation who despises advertising to the all new Elantra.

“How dare you?” is a razor’s edge as a creative platform, because brands often fail to walk the walk. But this was not the case with Hyundai. They understood the importance of flipping the script and pushing creative boundaries. So while the rest of the world finger-wags millennials for their unapologetic approach to life, we celebrate the power they have.

Our story is not about traditions they are breaking, but all the things they are making in response. Instead of condemning how they change the rules, we applaud how they change the world. Instead of questioning their behaviors, we let them answer for themselves.

Process video of practical vs. VFX. Some stellar work by our flame artist, Inti Martinez.
